Writer of Roman historical and other speculative fiction

Salve! Welcome to the home page of S. J. Fazekas, a writer slightly different ancient Roman historical fiction: it’s written with a humorous twist. Partly because writing this sort of thing is about making history a bit more accessible, and partly because, well, history is a funny thing.

No matter how much things change in the world, we humans don’t change at all. Case in point: graffiti. Look around in any medium to large city in the US, and you’re bound to see it. But it turns out that graffiti is much older than one might think. Examples have been found in the archaeological record that are more than 2,000 years old.

And that’s pretty funny.

I also write speculative fiction.

UPDATE: I have finished my first novel – titled Gaius Trebonius – I am now searching for literary agents and publishers to help me get the book in print.

My other short fiction has earned three Honorable Mentions in the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of the Future contest and also appeared in the (now defunct) on-line magazines Alien Skin and Nocturnal Ooze.